SEO for WordPress Website
WordPress sites are easy, properly optimizing them for SEO. WordPress is decent for SEO out of the box, especially the new versions. But there are still scopes to transform that ‘decent’ bit into ‘excellent’. SEO is not limited to low-quality link building and blatant keyword stuffing anymore. It has literally gone through an evolution in the past decade, and will never stop evolving. In this article, I’ll randomly present 5 easy to implement, effective ways to boost the SEO of your WordPress blog.
Do you know who your competitors are in your niche? There’s a reason why they are your competitors: they do what you do. And they might even do it better right now. That does not mean you can’t win from them, but it does mean you need all the help to get on top and stay on top! WordPress SEO tips are here to help you out as we’ve helped millions of people worldwide with their WordPress SEO efforts. Google and other search engines use advanced algorithms to understand and rank pages appropriately in search results. However, those algorithms aren’t perfect — they still need your help to understand what your content is about.
Some tips will help you for better SEO
- Choice a good web host
Check Your Site’s Visibility Settings and open it for Indexing
Use SEO Friendly URL Structures
- Starting with your WordPress Blog
Add XML Sitemaps
- Nofollow untrusted and useless links
Add Your Site to Google Search Console